כנפי יונה - חברת הסעות בירושלים

Looking for shuttles for trips or a bus for trips? We offer you modern and innovative buses, driven by the best drivers in the market.

Israelis are people who like to travel. However, I don’t want to enjoy private driving. Also, the lack of transportation on Shabbat makes it difficult for many to go for a walk comfortably. We offer shuttle services for trips. We will allow you to leave your private car at home and go for a walk in nature calmly and without pressure. We make the weekend farm tours accessible to everyone, through our shuttle service.

With transportation for trips, the road becomes part of the experience. We will replace the crowded private car ride for you with a spacious and comfortable travel experience for everyone. We will take care of driving you. In this way, we will take care of transportation services for you according to your request.

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חברת הסעות כנפי יונה

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חברת הסעות כנפי יונה

Up to 20% discount for shuttle services