כנפי יונה - חברת הסעות בירושלים
כנפי יונה - חברת הסעות בירושלים
כנפי יונה בטיול בערבה

Kanfei-Yona is a leader in the tourism industry and in providing related services, including coordinating hotels, guides, corporate events, conferences, and attractions. Our travel agents are the most experienced and professional and will be happy to put together a travel package for you at your request.

Kanfei-yonah recommend

Yarkon Park Lake- fun days for groups

The suitcase tour- a magical experience in the capital

The Jordan River- recommended packages for the summer

A tour of the Jabotinsky Institute

A fun day for groups at Dalton Winery

Shabbat Hatan in Jerusalem

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Up to 20% discount for shuttle services